How can I learn more about the possible biases of the author of the source I'm looking at?
Start by finding other things they have written or videos they have made. Is there a strong common conclusion without clear support? This may be more of an opinion than a well-founded conclusion. Who do they work for and who supports them? Might the employer or supporter be influencing them? Do they stand to gain if you can be convinced to agree with them?
How can I check myself for biases in my conclusions?
Check to see if you have an emotional reaction to new information. If it instantly pleased you, you may have confirmation bias: You trust the information perhaps too much because it agrees with what you already believe. Another common bias to watch out for is anchoring bias: We often believe most the first thing we learn about a new topic.
When have I learned enough about a topic to move forward to project planning?
No matter how much we have learned, there are always gaps in our knowledge. Move forward when you feel ready to try the next step, and then, circle back to research when new questions arise. Ask yourself, what seems unclear? What seems contradictory?