What is a passion project?
That’s our goal with this site: That everyone in this world would have things they are passionate about, that everyone would know how to learn more, that everyone would have the agency to take action and the courage to persist through challenges, and that everyone would experience the intense personal joy of their own achievement. And, that they would have all these things in all parts of their life, whether within the structure of school or work or not.
Get started
Are you fascinated with something and always wanted to learn it, or you've had a project in mind for, well, so long? Or, are you teaching and want to make the learning experience more exciting, more personal, and more lasting? Here's where you start, with a suite of bite-sized bursts of inspiration and guidance, and a lot of FAQs!
Bite-Sized Bursts of Inspiration and Guidance
Start anywhere you feel inspired to go. Each of the broad topics has a whole collection of little pieces inside, and you can take them one at a time in any order.